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Game Name : BioShock
System : Xbox 360
Date Added : 2007-08-19 19:17:43
Views : 28744

Star Wars reference
Get to the point when you reach the medical pavilion and must unlock the doors. When you pull the first switch and go to the second, pull it and Atlas will say "Now you have stirred the Wookie cage".

Weapon Upgrade Station locations
1: In Peach Wilkins' hideout (Neptune's Bounty), bottom floor. As soon as you come downstairs it is directly in front of you.

2: On the way to Farmer's Market in Arcadia, the station is located to the left after you go up the first stairs coming from Tree Farm.

3: The Winery's basement in Farmer's Market. There is a flooded area with one of them attached to the wall. It is in front of you when you come down the stairs; just keep going forward.

4: In Fort Frolic, from the Atrium bottom floor, go towards the bathrooms. Then, move right and follow the path until you see some small stairs to your right leading up to a door. Go inside then go down into the basement. The basement is filled with cigars and the like. The upgrade station is on the wall.

5: Go to Poseidon Plaza in Fort Frolic. Go to the other end of the bottom floor (the opposite end of where you enter). Go into Sinclair Spirits (the room that has a corpse on a sort of "altar"). In the basement of this store is the station.

6: In Hephaestus Core Room, go down to the bottom floor and run around (literary). Eventually you will see it attached to the wall.

7: In Hephaestus, Kyburz's office. It is attached to the left wall (back turned to the entrance) in the rear of the room.

8: At the bottom floor of the Mercury Suites area, on the back of the center pillar.

9: In Sander Cohen's secret room, in the Olympus Heights' Mercury Suites area.

10: Go to Atlas' Headquarters in Apollo Square (Fontaine's Home For The Poor area). It is located on the fourth floor. Go down the stairs in the room and look to the right. The station will be in front of you.

11: When you enter Point Prometheus and chase Fontaine, eventually you will end up in a little square and Fontaine will go behind a locked Museum door. At the opposite end of this square (from where you came) is a dead Big Daddy. Next to it is the upgrade.

12: In the Voice changing labs in Point Prometheus, one of the labs has it.

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

Note: there are also 10 Secret Achievement with a total of 285 points.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Ammo Inventor (25 pts)Successfully invented all possible ammo types.
Avid Inventor (10 pts)Successfully invent at least 100 items.
Basic Inventor (5 pts)Successfully invent at least one item.
Bought One Slot (5 pts)Purchase one slot in any Plasmid or Tonic track.
Completed Welcome (10 pts)Successfully complete the Welcome To Rapture Level.
Dealt with every Little Sister (40 pts)Either Harvest or Rescue every Little Sister in the game.
Five Fully Upgraded Weapons (10 pts)Fully upgrade five weapons.
Four Fully Upgraded Weapons (10 pts)Fully upgrade four weapons.
Fully Researched Bouncer (10 pts)Fully research the Bouncer.
Fully Researched Gun Splicer (10 pts)Fully research the Leadhead Splicer.
Fully Researched Houdini Splicer (10 pts)Fully research the Houdini Splicer.
Fully Researched Little Sister (10 pts)Fully research the Little Sister.
Fully Researched Nitro Splicer (10 pts)Fully research the Nitro Splicer.
Fully Researched Rosie (10 pts)Fully research the Rosie.
Fully Researched Spider Splicer (10 pts)Fully research the Spider Splicer.
Fully Researched Thug Splicer (10 pts)Fully research the Thuggish Splicer.
Hacked a Safe (10 pts)Successfully hack a safe.
Hacked a Security Bot (10 pts)Successfully hack a security bot.
Hacked a Security Camera (10 pts)Successfully hack a security camera.
Hacked a Turret (10 pts)Successfully hack a turret.
Hacked a Vending Machine (10 pts)Successfully hack a vending machine.
Historian (50 pts)Find every audio diary.
Little Sister Savior (100 pts)Complete the game without harvesting any Little Sisters.
Lucky Winner (10 pts)Hit the jackpot at a slot machine.
Maxed All Tracks (50 pts)Purchased every slot in all four Plasmid and Tonic tracks.
Maxed One Track (20 pts)Purchased every slot in one of the Plasmid or Tonic tracks.
One Fully Upgraded Weapon (5 pts)Fully upgrade one weapon.
One Successful Hack (5 pts)Perform at least one successful hack.
Prolific Photographer (5 pts)Take at least one photo in every research group.
Quality Research Photo (5 pts)Take a Research Photo of the highest grade.
Research PhD (20 pts)Max out all possible research.
Researched a Splicer (5 pts)Take at least one Research Photo of a Splicer.
Seriously Good At This (40 pts)Complete the game on the hardest difficulty setting.
Skilled Hacker (40 pts)Successfully complete 50 hacks.
Three Fully Upgraded Weapons (10 pts)Fully upgrade three weapons.
Toaster in the Tub (10 pts)Shock an enemy in the water.
Tonic Collector (50 pts)Collect or Invent 53 Tonics in the Physical, Engineering and Combat tracks.
Two Fully Upgraded Weapons (5 pts)Fully upgrade two weapons.
Upgraded a Weapon (5 pts)Acquire at least one weapon upgrade.
Weapon Specialist (20 pts)Acquire all upgrades for all weapons.

Fight against security robots
If you are up against a stationary security robot (RPG, etc.), use Telekenesis to grab a crate or pallet. Hold it in front of you until you can find a place to hide and plan what to do next. The item you hold up will block some attacks.

Save game recommendation
After becoming a Big Daddy, make a new saved game. At this point you are near the end of the game. If you missed something you can go to the bathysphere and explore Rapture again, but also you are a Big Daddy now so the splicers will not harm you, security cameras will not set off alarms, etc.

Restore hacked robot's health
After hacking a robot, it will begin firing at your enemies. If the robot gets hit it will begin to lose health, catch on fire, and eventually blow up. To stop this from happening, deactivate the robot, then reactivate it a few seconds later. This should make the robot have full health again.

Slot machine
Save the game before you start playing. Just keep reloading the game until you hit it.

Fight against Rosies
When fighting a Rosie, use armor piercing rounds from the machine gun or pistol. For a more effective way of killing, launch frag grenades and run out a door. The Rosie will follow you, fire proximity mines at the door, and when it walks through it will be damaged or destroyed.

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